Hasil diskusi Tim Penyusun Visi dan Misi Fakultas Humaniora, tanggal 23 April 2021 mengenai aksi dalam Misi, dielaborasikan dari Misi Universitas Bina Nusantara dengan memberikan warna Humaniora (Humanities):
- Educating BINUSIAN to develop exemplary humane and interculturally sensitive characters through holistic approach that meets global standards.
- Resolving the nation’s issues through high impact interdisciplinary research that leverages the meaning, values, and possibilities of human existence.
- Fostering BINUSIAN as lifelong learners through critical and measured self-enrichment activities.
- Empowering BINUSIAN to be agent of change, continuously improving society’s quality of life by promoting justice, equity, and sustainable community.
- Nourishing the BINUS Higher Education system by strengthening leadership based on the value of humanity.
BERITA BINUS : Bersama BINUS UNIVERSITY di IIETE dan PPTJ 2025, Wujudkan Karier Impian Gen Z