Merumuskan Visi dan Misi Fakultas Humaniora BINUS

Hasil diskusi Tim Penyusun Visi dan Misi Fakultas Humaniora, tanggal 23 April 2021 mengenai aksi dalam Misi, dielaborasikan dari Misi Universitas Bina Nusantara dengan memberikan warna Humaniora (Humanities):

  1. Educating BINUSIAN to develop exemplary humane and interculturally sensitive characters through holistic approach that meets global standards.
  2. Resolving the nation’s issues through high impact interdisciplinary research that leverages the meaning, values, and possibilities of human existence.
  3. Fostering BINUSIAN as lifelong learners through critical and measured self-enrichment activities.
  4. Empowering BINUSIAN to be agent of change, continuously improving society’s quality of life by promoting justice, equity, and sustainable community.
  5. Nourishing the BINUS Higher Education system by strengthening leadership based on the value of humanity.

BERITA BINUS : Bersama BINUS UNIVERSITY di IIETE dan PPTJ 2025, Wujudkan Karier Impian Gen Z